Nocturnal Nature is a captivating documentary series that explores the enchanting world of nature at night, highlighting the work of dedicated scientists and passionate nature enthusiasts who study life after dark. The series also serves as a powerful call to protect the endangered darkness, emphasizing the detrimental effects of pervasive artificial light on the environment, wildlife, and humans.
The series is in production and will be completed in 2025.
Duration: 6x30 min.
Year of production: 2025
Directed by Petteri Saario
Script by Petteri Saario, Sari Orkomies, Antti Saario, Matti Näränen
Cinematography by Antti Saario and Petteri Saario
Editing by Matti Näränen
Production by DocArt, Petteri Saario and Tiina Saario
In cooperation with: Yle / Timo Järvi and Sari Sirkiä
How to help an injured falcon? How do you treat a wounded bat? Who will care for an orphaned pigeon? The documentary series follows the recovery of injured wild animals and the dedicated volunteers who take care of them: Sari Valtanen, Nella Muurinen, Leevi Auranen and Sari's and Leevi's daughters Anette and Nea are always prepared to help those whom most people often neglect.
The series shows the fascinating and surprising work of wildlife caretakers. It introduces us to an unfamiliar world where otter, rabbit and fox pups are bottle-fed and people are patiently advised through various problems related to coexisting with animals. The series forces viewers to confront their own prejudices and reflect on how we value animals. Why do we find squirrels cute but view crows as a nuisance?
Duration: 8x30 min.
Year of production: 2022
Directed by Petteri Saario
Script by Petteri Saario, Sari Orkomies, Antti Saario, Matti Näränen
Co-directed by Antti Saario and Sari Orkomies
Cinematography by Antti Saario and Petteri Saario
Additional cinematography by Nella Muurinen
Editing by Matti Näränen
Production by DocArt, Petteri Saario and Tiina Saario
In cooperation with: Yle / Timo Järvi and Nina Stenros
In the series we explore the gems in the Finnish archipelago. Imaginative and creative islanders take you to the fascinating atmospheres and landscapes of their home islands. The series shows you the stunning archipelagos, both at sea and on the lakes. The two seasons of series captivated viewers and Enclosed by Water is one of our most-watched series.
Duration: 6x30min
Year of production: 2013
Directed, shot and written by Petteri Saario
Editing by Petteri Saario
Music by Perttu Hietanen
Production by DocArt, Petteri Saario and Tiina Saario
In cooperation with: the Finnish Broadcasting Corporation, the Advisory Board for Archipelago Affairs, the Raija and Ossi Tuulainen Foundation
Duration: 4x30min
Year of production: 2021
Directed by Petteri Saario
Script by Petteri Saario and Sari Orkomies
Cinematography by Petteri Saario and Antti Saario
Editing by Petteri Saario
Production by DocArt, Petteri Saario and Tiina Saario
In cooperation with: the Finnish Broadcasting Corporation, the Advisory Board for Archipelago Affairs, the Raija and Ossi Tuulainen Foundation
Wildlife Vaasa Nature Film Festival 2014. Best Finnish Nature Film Award for the documentary Merenkurkku from the Veden saartamat series
Matsalu Nature Film Festival 2014. Best Cinematography Award for the series "Blocked by Water
Worlds of Water is a fascinating journey to Finland’s water nature. The six documentaries present director Petteri Saario’s deep dive into the wonders of water with his 24-year-old son Antti. Father and son travel through historical waterways, peek underwater to the world of fish and follow tough fishermen at work. They discuss the importance of water and its enchanting forms, study the myths of water and enjoy its healing powers.
Duration: 6x30 min.
Year of production: 2020
Directed by Petteri Saario
Cinematography by Petteri Saario and Antti Saario
Script by Petteri Saario and Sari Orkomies
Editing by Petteri Saario
Music by Perttu Hietanen
Production by DocArt, Petteri Saario and Tiina Saario
In cooperation with: Yle, European Union LIFE programme, Raija and Ossi Tuuliainen Foundation
The documentary series portrays the untouched nature of the Finnish wilderness, packed with immaterial natural resources such as silence, darkness and the intact scenery. The series tells us a story of our increasingly fragile relationship with nature, and our innermost longing to live in harmony with nature. The Magic of the Wilderness is one of our most-watched series.
Duration: 6x30 min.
Year of production: 2016
Directed, shot and written by Petteri Saario
Editing by Petteri Saario
Music by Veera Voima
Production by DocArt, Petteri Saario and Tiina Saario
In cooperation with: Yle, Metsähallitus and the Raija and Ossi Tuuliainen Foundation
-Barents Ecology Film Festival 2016. Best Short Film Award for the episode "The Healing Power of Nature".
-Wildlife Vaasa International Nature Film Festival 2016. 2nd prize in the Nordic Films category for episode "The Healing Power of Nature"
- Green Vision Festival 2016, St Petersburg. Award for Beauty and Humanism for the episode "Healing Power of Nature"
- Matsalu Nature Film Festival 2016. Honourable Mention for the episode Healing Power of Nature
The Urban Jungle is a documentary series on the wonders of urban nature. It also tells the story of our challenging relationship with nature and the role of urban citizens in solving environmental problems and creating a sustainable future. The series explores the rich diversity of urban nature and explores the secrets of urban agriculture, admiring the lush greenery of cemeteries, diving into forest adventures with pre-school children, relaxing in nature and getting excited about uncontrolled garden paradises.
The Urban Jungle series celebrated the 100th anniversary of Finland and was part of the official programme of the jubilee year. In addition to the six-part documentary series, we designed and implemented a campaign to inspire the city's residents to grow their own food.
Duration: 6x30 min.
Year of production: 2017
Directed, shot and written by Petteri Saario
Editing by Petteri Saario
Music by Veera Voima
Producer of the campaign: Sari Orkomies
Production by DocArt, Petteri Saario and Tiina Saario
In cooperation with: Yle, Finland 100
If Finns were asked, what best symbolises their home country, the answer would most likely be the holy triangle: sauna, birch – and lake. A lake, if any, is the symbol of Finland. Six Finnish lakes portray history, culture, landscape and nature, politics and beliefs. Suitable for the whole family, these documentaries are a personal journey into the minds of many Finns captivated by the lakes – from lake cottage enthusiasts to professional fishermen, from artists to divers, and from timber rafters to ice fishers.
Duration: 6x30 min.
Year of production: 2012
Directed, shot and written by Petteri Saario
Editing by Petteri Saario
Music by Perttu Hietanen
Production by DocArt, Petteri Saario and Tiina Saario
In cooperation with: Yle and the Raija and Ossi Tuuliainen Foundation
Wildlife Vaasa Nature Film Festival 2012. 2nd prize in the Finnish nature film category for the documentary Lake Inarijärvi in the series Our Pearls of the Lakes.
A warm and up-close account of human and natural life near the Finnish-Russian border. The border between Finland and Russia is unique in the world. It is historically one of the most important borders between East and West, a language border, a cultural border and a religious border. It is the border between a giant state and a small country, and it has crossed it at many points in its history. From a natural perspective, too, the border between Finland and Russia is exceptionally diverse. While humans have to submit to customs checks and visa waivers at the border, nature does not recognise man-made borders. Bears and wolverines, geese and woodpeckers cross the border when it suits them best.
The series, which is once again very topical, travels from the Gulf of Finland to the Kola Peninsula, from Saimaa to Ladoga, from Savo to Viena Karelia and crosses the border through Oulanka River from the rapids of Kuusamo to the magic of Paanajärvi. The border between Finland and Russia is crossed in many places, in many ways and in the company of many.
Duration: 6x30 min.
Year of production: 2009
Directed, shot and written by Petteri Saario
Editing by Petteri Saario
Music by Perttu Hietanen
Production by DocArt, Petteri Saario and Tiina Saario
In cooperation with: Yle, Kordelin Foundation
International Wildlife Film Festival (IWFF) 2010, Missoula, USA, Honorable Mention for the documentary Wildlife of the Borderlands.
Matsalu Nature Film Festival 2010, Estonia, documentary Oil on the Waves: Grand Prix & Estonian Green Special Award & Estonian WWF Special Award & Special Award of the City of Haapsalu
Green Vision Festival 2011, St Petersburg. Best Baltic Sea Region Film Award for Oil on the Waves
Wildlife Vaasa Nature Film Festival 2010, 1st prize in the Nordic Nature Films category for the documentary Wildlife in the Borderlands
Ylen TV2 chose the director of the series as Partner of the Year
With his 11-year-old son Antti, director Petteri Saario sets out to film gems of the Finnish rivers. The river currents carry them from the magnificient fells of Lapland to the rugged wilderness country between Finland and Russia, from crystal clear source streams on to bird paradise river deltas and picturesque villages along the river banks.
The series introduces the only free major river in Finland, the Tornionjoki, which originates in the fjord streams, the Teno, which flows into the Arctic Ocean, the Oulanka and Kitkajoki, which flow wildly in Kuusamo, the Kyröjoki in South Ostrobothnia, the mighty Kymijoki in Southern Finland and the Porvoonjoki, along which Finland's nationality has its origins.
The Finest Rivers of Finland is one of our most beloved series and continues to receive rave reviews from viewers.
Duration: 6x30 min.
Year of production: 2006
Directed and written by Petteri Saario
Cinematography by Petteri Saario and Jan Henriksson
Editing by Petteri Saario and Raimo Raitahila
Music by Perttu Hietanen
Production by DocArt, Petteri Saario and Tiina Saario
In cooperation with: Yle
Production support: the Child and Nature Foundation, the Finnish Environment Institute
Matsalu International Wildlife Film Festival 2007. Honourable mention for the Oulanka part of the Rivers of Our Pearls series
The Pearls of the Baltic Sea is a story about a sailing trip, during which the islands Kotlin, Åland, Saaremaa, Gotland, Bornholm and Hailuoto - the Pearls of the Baltic Sea are rediscovered. At the same time it is a strong expression of opinion for the survival of nature of our home sea and also the people's habits, the culture of the archipelago.
Duration: 6x45min
Year of production: 2004
Directed and written by Petteri Saario
Cinematography by Jan Henriksson, Petteri Saario
Editing by Raimo Raitahila, Petteri Saario
Sound design by Raimo Raitahila
Original music by Perttu Hietanen
Production by Tekstivirta, Petteri Saario and Tiina Saario
In cooperation with: Yle TV2, European Union
Wildlife Vaasa Nature Film Festival 2006. 2nd prize in the category of domestic nature documentaries for the Åland part of the Baltic Sea Pearls series.
Matsalu International Nature Film Festival 2005, Estonia. Baltic Sea Pearls series, Part 5: Hailuoto, 1st prize in the Man and Nature category
Honorary mention in the 2004 TV factual series for the documentary series Pearls of the Baltic Sea