Wildfin has a core team of six people - and we are surrounded by a wide range of the best in the field. We all look at things from slightly different perspectives, and each of us has our own unique way of relating to nature. Before Wildfin, we have been journalists, leaders of a nature organisation, organised events and art clubs, studied environmental science, documentary filmmaking and industrial design. With our wide range of experience and professionalism, we can take on the most challenging projects.
Founder of Wildfin. Producer, director, cinematographer, editor, writer and tireless advocate for nature and the environment. If he could choose, he would rather spend all his time in the woods, at sea or on the lakeside admiring the endless wonders of nature. A curious book-writing pacifist, who sometimes enjoys a free time in a Thai boxing ring or playing music and reading.
Co-founder of Wildfin. Line producer, production manager and humane financial wizard who doesn't miss a detail. She's a master of numbers, budgets and contracts, and doesn't flinch even at EU reporting. Has a deep understanding of the impact of nature on health, both in theory and in practice. An aesthete whose impeccable taste can always be trusted. Passionate about winter swimming and gardening.
Hightech hippie with an endless desire to make everything ever so slightly better. Makes sure that our camera equipment is up and running and ready to go. He solves everybody's technical problems and patiently tries to teach the cave(wo)men how the computer works. Responsible for macro, gimbal and aerial photography. Music and podcast host of our filming trips. Studies industrial design and in his spare time meditates, makes art, plays board games or enjoys music.
Plans, writes the script, finds locations and people, records, and when the right place comes along, throws on the spokesperson's cape. In other words, a mixed-race documentary filmmaker who thinks it's perfectly normal to pack both scuba gear and snowshoes for the same shoot. Roots in journalism. Ignites best in an inspiring team. Can be found in the ocean, yoga or the ballroom in your spare time. Does the world's best cantaloupe risotto.
Creative adventurer who has made a detour in Turkey and returned to his northern roots. Specialises in portraiture, ball panoramas and has an interest in vr-tech. In his spare time, he can be found in nature with his young daughter. He is passionate about music and films.
Sound designer, sound checker, sound recorder and gig mixer. A multi-talented sound artist who makes film sound perfect. Masters sound in the field, studio and concert halls. A passionate musician who plays guitar and composes music in the Taraske band.